Help us
How you can help us help others:
You can join us
You probably think you're an ordinary person. We think we're ordinary people, too - but together, we achieve amazing things. We're looking for men or women, young or old, with good reputation and a willingness to serve for a few hours each month.
You can volunteer your time or services
Perhaps you don't think you're ready or able to make a commitment to becoming a member at the moment, but you'd like to spare us a few hours of your time occasionally. Perhaps you could help us shake a tin for a few hours in December. Perhaps you have a special skill, or service, which you can donate to us occasionally. Whatever it is, we'd like to hear from you.
You can make a donation
(please see donation page)
Every penny donated to the Romford Lions Club charity fund is spent on just that - charity. Administration costs come out of a separate administration fund, paid for by our members. Your money will be spent on a very wide range of worthy causes, almost all of which will directly benefit needy people in Havering. You can also Gift Aid any donations made which increases the amount received by 25%.
You can leave a legacy in your will
We feel your will should first provide for your loved ones, but if there is a residual fund, we'll put your legacy to good use in our charity fund caring for the needy in Havering. If desired, legacies can specify who should benefit, e.g. children or the elderly.